
I often head out into the woods not only to create images but also to escape. I find it peaceful in the woods, a quiet that can only be found alone. But recently, I was reminded that while I may not be out in the wood with another person, I am not alone. Not only are there the woodland creatures who are all too aware of my presence, but there is the wood themselves.  I don’t mean this in a Tolkienesc sort of way; I don’t think the Ents are watching me (though that would be cool), but I think that the wilderness around me reflects how we as a society have done as stewards of the planet. 

“The trees encountered on a country stroll

                 Reveal a lot about that country’s soul…

                 A culture is no better than its woods.”

― W.H.Auden

With this quote in mind, I notice the trees around me watching me. They are not judging, but they are aware of my behavior. They want nothing from me, asking nothing but always giving. Shade, shelter, and the air I breathe. The trees are always gracious hosts. It would serve us well to remember that how we treat our wilderness reflects how we treat each other. With this perception, I remind myself the trees are watching us.

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No Small Thing